the name of an English family holding the office of king's champion.
The functions of the champion were to ride into Westminster Hall at the
coronation banquet, and challenge all comers to impugn the kings title.
The earliest record of the ceremony at the coronation of an English king
dates from the accession of Richard II. On this occasion the champion
was Sir John Dymoke (d. 1381), who held the manor of
Scrivelsby, Lincolnshire, in right of his wife Margaret, granddaughter
of Joan Ludlow, who was the daughter and co-heiress of Philip Marmion,
last Baron Marmion. The Marmions claimed descent from the lords of Fontenay,
hereditary champions of the dukes of Normandy, and held the castle of
Tamworth, Leicestershire, and the manor of Scrivelsby. The right to the
championship was disputed with the Dymoke family by Sir Baldwin de
Freville, lord of Tamworth, who was descended from an elder daughter of
Philip Marmion. The court of claims eventually decided in favor of the
owners of Scrivelsby on the ground that Scrivelsby was held in grand
serjeanty, that is, that its tenure was dependent on, rendering a
special service, in this case the championship.
Sir Thomas Dymoke (1428?-1471) joined a Lancastrian rising in 1469, and, with his brother-in-law Richard,
Lord Willoughby and Welles, was beheaded in 1471 by order of Edward IV
after he had been induced to leave sanctuary on a promise of personal
safety. The estates were restored to his son Sir Robert Dymoke
(d. 1546), champion at the coronations of Richard III, Henry VII, and
Henry VIII, who distinguished himself at the Siege of Tournai and became
treasurer of the kingdom. His descendants acted as champions at
successive coronations. After the coronation of George IV the ceremony
was allowed to lapse, but at the coronation of King Edward VII H. S. Dymoke bore the standard of England in Westminster Abbey. Complete Peerage, The
Following the ceremony in Westminster Abbey the Coronation procession
of King George IV now wearing his crown wended its way to Westminster
Hall on the raised and canopied processional way. " The awning over the
platform on which the Coronation procession is to pass, is of Russia
duck, and 2,000,000 yds. will be required to complete it." Crowds lined
the streets to watch the parade pass. Wealthy spectators could book
seats on platforms erected for the occasion. " Ten thousand Guineas were
given by a person for the fronts of four houses, in Palace-yard, to
hire for seeing the Coronation. He must have lost considerably, as
places were to be had on the day so low as ten shillings and sixpence
and even seven shillings and Sixpence." Soldiers both on foot and on
horseback lined the route.
The coronation dinner was held in the huge 290 by 68 foot Westminster
Hall. The mediaeval banqueting Hall dating from 1099 is topped by a
magnificent oak hammer beam ceiling. The King was escorted to his place
by the Barons of the Cinque Ports who traditionally have the right to
hold the canopy over the king on the occasion of the Coronation
Processions. Once the King was seated the Lord High Constable, the Lord
High Steward and the Deputy Earl Marshal rode into the hall on
horseback. The Deputy Earl Marshal had difficulty with his horse and
swore at the animal in a voice that resounded through Westminster Hall.
The Hereditary Champion, a member of the family of Dymoke of Scrivelsby,
in full armor rode a horse into the Coronation Banquet in Westminster
Hall to throw down his gauntlet and challenge anyone to deny the new
rider was actually the son of the hereditary Champion as Rev. John
Dymoke thought it incompatible with his profession as a clergyman to
appear as an armored Champion. The family, perhaps forewarned by the
problems of previous Champions, took the precaution of borrowing a white
horse from Astley's circus for the ceremony. The animal was well used
to enclosed spaces and crowds and the Champion's part of the ceremony
went off perfectly. After no one had taken up the Gauntlet, George IV
drank to the Champion from a gold cup. It was passed to the Champion,
Henry Dymoke (1801-1865), who also drank from it and then took it away
as his rightful trophy of the day. This ceremony ceased after George
IV's coronation in 1821. Then it was the turn of the peers and bishops
at the long tables to drink his Majesty's health followed by the
customary rounds of cheering. The King stood up to thank them for their
good wishes and to do them " the honour of drinking their health and
that of his good people" . The Earl of Denbigh wrote, " It exceeded all
imagination and conception. Picture to yourself Westminster Hall lined
beneath with the peers in their robes and coronets, the Privy
Councilors, Knights of the Bath, and a multitude of different attendants
and chief officers of State in most magnificent dress, and with a
double row of galleries on each side above, filled with all the beauty
of London, the ladies vying with each other in the magnificence of their
apparel and the splendor of their head-dresses. Some of them being
literally a blaze of diamonds."

Sir Edward Dymoke is the Great Grandfather of George Washington, our first president.

The Manor of Scrivelsby, part of
Scrivelby civil parish, is in the East Lindsey district of Lincolnshire,
England, 2 miles (3.2 km) south from Horncastle and on the B1183 road 1
mile (1.6 km) east from the A153 road. The manor is held by grand
serjeanty,[1] a form of tenure which requires the performance of a
service rather than a money payment – in this case as the King or
Queen's Champion.[1] Scrivelsby appears in the Domesday Book as
"Scrivelesbi".[2] It comprised 89 households, 16 villagers, 11
smallholders and 30 freemen, with 8.5 ploughlands, a meadow of 5 acres
(0.020 km2), woodland of 100 acres (0.40 km2), a mill and a church. In
1086 lordship of the manor and tenancy-in-chief was transferred to
Robert the bursar,[3] alternatively Robert De Spencer,[4] but shortly
after the Conquest it was given to Robert De Marmyion, Lord of
Fountenay, on condition that he accept the office of King's Champion.[4]
The manor house, Scrivelsby Court, was burnt out in 1761,[6] and was
demolished between 1955 and 1957.[6] However the gatehouse was retained
and restored in 1959.[6] The west front is predominately 15- and
16th-century, with the rest, being Georgian and later.[6] It is a Grade I
listed building.[7] The Lion Gateway was built around 1530 and was
rebuilt in 1833.[6][8] It is Grade II* listed.[8]
Edward "Sheriff of Lincoln" Dymoke *Sir (1508 - 1566)
is our 10th great grandfather
Frances Dymoke * (1539 - 1611)
Daughter of Edward "Sheriff of Lincoln" and Lady Anne Tailboys
Mildred Windebank * (1585 - 1630)
Daughter of Frances Dymoke and Thomas Windebank
Col. George Reade * (1608 - 1671)
Son of Mildred Windebank and Robert Reade
Andrew Reid * (1640 - 1697)
Son of Col. George Reade and Elizabeth Martin (Martiau)
Andrew Reid * (1664 - )
Son of Andrew Reid and Unknown
Jean Reid * (1688 - 1778)
Daughter of Andrew Reid and Isabelle Barr
Jean Reid (or Reed) * (1759 - 1830)
Daughter of Jean Reid and John Reid
James Stewart * (1783 - 1857)
Son of Jean Reid and James Stewart
Noah Stewart * (1828 - 1897)
Son of James Stewart Phoebe Hinton Cox
Mary Lou Ella Stewart * (1883 - 1938)
Daughter of Noah Stewart and Mary Springer
Doran Edgar Lute * (1901 - 1982)
Son of Mary Lou Ella Stewart and Charles William Lute
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