There are several records of him in the deed books and order books. He was frequently summoned to Grayson Court as a grand juror, was called on to serve as a road commissioner, and he witnessed a multitude of deeds. Twice he was paid for killing wolves. He did not sue and was not sued. In short, the records indicate that he owned 4 horses, 28 cattle, a mill and a clock. His father deeded him the Coal Creek farm in 1799(Grayson, DB 1-262). Enoch, who owned other land in addition to his father's tract, gave his son Enoch 190 acres of the Solomon Cox grant in 1819 and gave his son Jeremiah the rest in 1829(Grayson, DB 4-69; DB 7-49).
Enoch Cox was a private in the Revolutionary War and has a marker to that effect by his gravestone.

Cover of Enoch Cox Bible

Bible Cover Page

Enoch Cox Family Dates
Enoch Cox Tombstone

Revolutionary War Marker for Enoch Cox
Enoch Cox * (1757 - 1840)
is our 3rd great grandfather
Daughter of Enoch Cox and Gertrude Cox
Son of Phoebe Hinton Cox and James Stewart
Daughter of Noah Stewart and Mary Springer
Son of Mary Lou Ella Stewart and Charles William Lute
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