Colonel William Callaway
Our seventh great grand uncle.
William Callaway was the second son of Joseph and Catherine Ann (Browning) Callaway. He was born in 1714, probably in Caroline County, Virginia and became a prominent and wealthy land owner of that State, as he patented fifteen thousand acres of land in Lunenburg, Brunswick, Bedford, and Halifax Counties. William commanded militia in the French and Indian Wars that were waged between 1755, and 1761. He was commissioned a Colonel during his service, and also participated in the American Revolutionary War. He later presided at the first court held in Bedford County, but this was just the beginning of his civil service, because William remained in the Virginia House of Burgesses for thirteen sessions. In 1754, William Callaway, Gentleman, made a free gift of one hundred acres of land to the newly formed County of Bedford to be developed into a town called New London, the county seat. William first married on January 8, 1735, to Elizabeth Tilley, and after her death he married a second time, about 1752, to Elizabeth Crawford. Colonel William Callaway died in Bedford Virginia in 1777, and is buried in the Callaway-Steptoe Cemetery. His first son James buried near his father, was also a man of great wealth who fought in the French and Indian Wars and the Revolutionary War. James, a close personal friend of General George Washington also built the first iron furnace south of the James River. This furnace played a big roll in the production of military supplies used in the revolution.

Depiction of Fort Boonesborough
Settled by Colonel Richard Callaway with Daniel Boone and others.
Our seventh great grand uncle.
Richard Callaway (c. 1724 – March 8, 1780) was an early settler of Kentucky which was now a state in the United States. With Daniel Boone, in 1775 he helped mark the Wilderness Road into central Kentucky, becoming one of the founders of Boonesborough, Kentucky. There, he took part in organizing the short-lived colony of Transylvania.
Richard Callaway was commissioned to survey a road into Kentucky for the Henderson Company in Feb 1775 which he did in company with Daniel Boone and a party of thirty persons. He returned to VA and brought families to Boonesborough Sept 1775. He was a member of the first Transylvania convention which met under a tree near Boonesborough May 23, 1775 and was later elected to the VA house of Burgesses 1777-79 from Kentucky county. He was granted the ferry privilege across the Kentucky River at Boonsborough Oct 1779 and was killed by Indians while working on a ferry boat in 1780.
Richard Callaway was a man destined to play an important role in Boone's life during the next few years. Callaway had joined Henderson's enterprise at about the same time as Boone and was in charge of hauling the goods and supplies to treaty grounds. The son of a powerful landowning family in the Shenandoah Valley of Va. Callaway was ten years Boones' senior.
Upon their arrival at the selected site on the Kentucky River, 1 Apr 1775, Boone, Callaway and the other men immediately began construction of a fort. Located on the south bank of the river, the fort was considered by Henderson to be inadequate to accommodate the settlers to follow. So, he elected a site near the river bank about 300 yards from the original fort. Though the dimensions of this second or main fort are not known precisely, it is estimated to have been about 240 feet long and 180 feet wide. The gate opened on the side away from the river. There were blockhouses on each corner and cabins all along the walls. In the courtyard were three structures built in a row and connected to each other. The house and gun shop of Squire Boone occupied two of these. The other was the house of Col. Richard Callaway.

In 1776, two of his daughters, along with a daughter of Daniel Boone, were kidnapped outside Boonesborough by Native Americans. Callaway led one of parties in the famous rescue of the girls.
The third morning, as the Indians were building a fire for breakfast, the rescuers came up. "That's Father's gun!" cried Jemima, as one Indian was shot. He toppled into the fire and was seriously burned but not immediately killed. Two of the Native Americans later died from being wounded during the brief gunfight. The Indians retreated, leaving the girls to be escorted home.
Jemima soon married one of the rescuing party, Flanders Callaway. Elizabeth Callaway married Samuel Henderson and Frances, John Holder. The episode served to put the settlers in the Kentucky wilderness on guard and prevented their straying beyond the fort.
Elizabeth Callaway our seventh great grandmother married William Bramblett. William and Elizabeth were with the group that settled Boonesborough. According to Reminiscences from the Life of Col. Cave Johnson (1760-1850), who was an eyewitness to the event, a rather large party was returning to VA from Bryant's Station, KY in the summer of 1779. The Rev. William (Bethel Baptist of Bedford) was mistaken for an Indian and shot by Aquila White near the Cumberland River. KY Court records show William established Bramlett's Station 'on a branch of Stoner's Fork, a branch of Licking' this same year, 1779. There is a dearth of information on this family and some confusion as to which William Bramblett we are talking about. Some accounts list Aquila White as William's son-in-law. Some documentation on the Brambletts is lacking for this line.
Joseph James Callaway * (1680 - 1732)
is our 8th great grandfather
Elizabeth Callaway * married William Bramblett
daughter of Joseph James Callaway *
son of Elizabeth Callaway *
son of Henry, Sr. Bramblett *
son of Reuben Bramblett *
son of William Bramblett *
son of William Bramblett *Jr.
son of Fielding Bramblett *
son of George Edward Bramblett *
daughter of Walter Scott Bramblett *
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