Captain Thomas Edward Ashby
Thomas came to Virginia Colony,
(Tydewater), then settling in Shenandoah Valley about 1710 along Beaverdam Rum
of Aquia Creek and Chopawamsic Creek. By 1739 lands adjacent his had been
surveryed in his son's names. He was an early explorer across the Blue Ridge
Mountains into the Shenandoah Valley and "Ashby Gap" is named after
him. He claimed 1269 acres on the East side of the Shenandoah River on
Novermber 19, 1733. He served as a Captain in the county militia and was active
as a companion to surveyors of the Blue Ridge Mountains. He owned a ferry
across the Shenandoah River and a tavern at Ashby's Gap. He died in 1752 with
his will proven in Winchester Court August 4, 1752. Thomas’ six sons also were members of the
Virginia Militia. The five,older sons
fought in the Revolutionary War. The
youngest son fought in the War of 1812.
Gap Shenandoah Valley

from George Washington to John Ashby Oct 14 1755 - The Writings of George
Washington from the Original Manuscript Sources, 1745-1799. John C.
Fitzpatrick, Editor. Winchester, October 14th., 1755. It is my express Orders,
that you do not presume to March your Company down on any pretence whatsoever, unless
compelled by the Enemy. Clothes will be sent up immediately to you, which you
may distribute to the most needy of your Company; and Money I shall bring up to
pay them off, if wanted.

Ashby Inn

Ashby Land Grant

Thomas Edward Ashby
*Capt. (1682
- 1752)
is our 6th great
Elizabeth Ashby *
(1720 - 1758)
daughter of Thomas
Edward Ashby *Capt.
Benjamin Hardin *
(1753 - 1834)
son of Elizabeth Ashby
Daniel Hardin * (1790
- 1850)
son of Benjamin Hardin
Martin V Hardin *
(1834 - 1881)
son of Daniel Hardin *
Nancy Wilson Hardin *
(1858 - 1933)
daughter of Martin V
Hardin *
Walter Scott
Bramblett * (1882 - 1978)
son of Nancy Wilson
Hardin *
Margaret May Belle
Bramblett * (1911 - 1988)
daughter of Walter
Scott Bramblett *
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